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Restaurant Evaluation ~ Free Culture ~

1 Service Staff
   a Well groomed & professional in their manner?                3/5
   b Uniforms were neat and clean?                                        4/5
   c Friendly, positive and seemed to enjoy their work?         5/5

2 Restaurant
   a Floors were clean and free of litter?                                5/5
   b Tables and chair were set and orderly?                           4/5
   c Music volume and type were appropriate?                     4/5
   d Chairs and booths were comfortable?                             5/5
   e Lighting was appropriate?                                               3/5

3 Building and surroundings
   a Restroom's were free of litter on the floors?                   5/5
   b Paper towels and toilet paper was stocked?                    4/5
   c Toilets and sinks clean and in good condition?               4/5
   d Restrooms smelled clean and sanitary?                           3/5

4 Food Categories
   a Taste                             4/5
   b Quality                         5/5
   c Temperature                 4/5
   d Appearance                  5/5
   e  Perceived Value          4/5

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