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About my book 5

Hi : 9

I want to talk about my book "The Cultural Feast".
Today's topic is "Hunger in Global Perspective".

Currently, there is enough food produced to feed all of the world's population if it could be equitably distributed.
Despite adequate food production on a global scale, many people experience undernourishment and malnutrition.
Risk of malnutrition can be measured by estimating the numbers of people who do get an adequate amount of energy and by weighing and measuring people, especially children.
Malnutrition and undernourishment appear to be the result of the inability to gain access to food that is available.

Also, there are indications that the growth in food production is slowing and that environmental degradation as a result of agriculture and animal husbandry may further allow growth in food production.

The balance between population growth and food production is very important.

So, what should we do to solve these problems?
There are some issues to be addressed are well outlined.

1 Continuing efforts to slow, and even reverse, population growth, and that means continuing to address the problems of infant and child mortality and meeting the exciting needs and demand for family planning services and educating women.

2 Continuing development of improved food production technologies that increase yields and are environmentally sustainable.

3 Developing technologies and practices that conserve natural resources such as energy, water, land, and forests.

4 Reducing, or eliminating, poverty.

It is difficult to solve these problem alone.
But, there is a lot of our being able to do it.
We should participate in the projects solving poverty willingly such as working as a volunteer and raising funds.


Recently, I went to "bills" in Shichirigahama.

"bills" was first opened in Sydney.
It soon became famous for the best scrambled eggs and hotcakes in town, served at the now much-copied communal table, where locals and travelers, families and celebrities thrived on the unique atmosphere.

I ate scrambled eggs and hotcakes, and drank home-made lemonade.
These were very delicious and I had good time in the morning.


  1. Population growth can't be escaped. So I think it is necessary to do something for this.
    And!!!!! I have wanted to go to Bills in Shichirigahama. But Bills is very popular and it is always clouded. And I don't be able to go yet. Sometime soon I want to try(^^)

  2. The food looks really good! And you are good photographer!

  3. Omg!!! the photos makes me hungry :)

  4. I find it really sad how there is such a big gap betweet the rich and the poor in the world. Of course it is easy to say if only we can all share but thats obviously never going to happen as there are people who do not even care in the first place. :(
    The photos you took look lovely btw!

  5. I think it is very sad thing that there are hungry people though enough food is in the world.
    The food looks so good!
