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About my book 4

Hi !

I'm going to talk about my book.

Today's topic is "The Ideological Basis of Food Practices"

The symbolic meanings of food, worldview, religion, ethnic identity, and health beliefs are among the ideological considerations that affect a person's health care practices and diet.

The term "worldview" refers to the way a group defines how the world works.
People from two different cultures, looking at the same phenomenon, may describe it very differently.
Knowing the history of a person's society and his or her past experiences is helpful in understanding that person's feelings and actions.
Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own worldview and cultural assumptions are the best and the most natural.

Religious beliefs can be very powerful aspects of ideology and can exert a great deal of influence on dietary practices in several ways.
Religious belief can be very powerful aspects of ideology and can exert a great deal of influence on dietary practices in several ways.
Also, religious beliefs sometimes prescribe or restrict certain foods.
Although there are some restrictions, many religious practices have adaptive value to the group.

Ethnicity and ethnic identity are important aspects of personal identity that help us understand food use.
Beliefs and understandings about foods that make up some of the cultural content of ethnicity may influence diet.
More importantly, foods are used to demonstrate solidarity and to reinforce the connections among a group of people and distinguish them from other groups.

I thought that each religion has adaptive value, so it is not correct to have a prejudice between nations.


→ Chicken rice ( Recently, I went to a Thailand restaurant near my university.
     The price is low but the taste is very good !!♥︎)

1 comment:

  1. I don't have any religious rules, but there are strict religions in the world.
    They are sensitive so we have to know the existence and understand that.
