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Hi : )

I'm going to talk about the article "U.N Says 2015 Likely to Be Warmest Year on Record" written by John Revill from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The WMO said that the period 2011 to 2015 has been the warmest five years on record with many extreme weather events influenced by climate changes.
The announcement came days before world leaders meet in Paris on Monday to open two weeks of talks on how to protect the planet from the potentially catastrophic consequences of global warming.
If it is successful, the Paris climate conference, known as COP21, blind developed and developing countries into cutting greenhouse-gas emissions for the first time.

2015 seem to be the hottest year on record.
This is very bad news for humans, animals, and plants living in this planet.

Global warming affects our life.
If the climate continues rising, abnormal weather will be caused. And then, grain will not grow up and also, the animals that eats grain might not live.
Finally, I think, a food chain will collapse. Our eating habits will change greatly.

To prevent the rise in climate, we have to live not to exhaust carbon dioxide if possible.
As for me, I'll use trains in substitution for cars.

The accumulation of small efforts is very important.

1 comment:

  1. Im curious if the climate continues rising, what happen to our food culture. What kind of food would we lose?
